Re-opening the pub

We are delighted to be re-opening the pub from 12 noon today and kindly request that all customers please follow our Covid-19 requirements:

Re-opening The Star Inn in Harbottle, Morpeth Northumberland


Opening Hours

Monday and Tuesday – closed

Wednesday to Saturday – 12 noon until 11pm

Sunday – 12 noon until 6pm

The shop will be open from 9am (10am Sunday) until 12 noon every day and whenever the pub is open


We will continue our shop as it has developed during the Coronavirus pandemic, maintaining supplies of fresh meat, pies, fruit and vegetables, bread and dairy products. We will also be continuing the pre-ordering of Green’s meats and pies for delivery every Friday as well as pre-orders of shopping boxes for collection (or free delivery for elderly, self-isolating or vulnerable customers for the time being).